Monday, July 26, 2010

The general did not speak because he had nothing to say

Yoani Sanchez's analysis of President Raul Castro's non-speech today is really a gem.

Her original post in Spanish is here and in English here.

Here's my translated excerpt:

"The general did not speak because he had nothing to say, no launching of a reform package, because he knows that would be risking the power, the control, that his family has exercised for five decades. [...]

Referring to the postponed measures to address the economy and society, Machedo Ventura declared that they will be made, 'step by step at a pace determined by us.' The old confusion with the first person plural, the well-known ambiguity of the apparently consensual."

The pace, the speed, and the depth of these anxiously-awaited openings are decided by a small group which has much to lose if they apply them, and time to benefit if they delay them."

Some will say Raúl Castro’s silence is part of his strategy to avoid bluster and bravado. But, more than political discretion, what we saw today is pure State secrecy."

By saying nothing, he has sent us his fullest message: 'I owe you no explanations, no promises, no results'."

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