The blogosphere is crackling with 1,001 different interpretations of Fidel's famous (or perhaps infamous) words, "The Cuban model doesn't even work for us anymore."
My favorite analysts, as usual, are Phil Peters (welcome back, Phil), Tracey Eaton (Tracey's got a running commentary on the whole polemica), and Ernesto Hernandez Bustos here here, and here (not to mention La Flaca herself). You can also get links to official spins on his statements at all three of these blogs, and of course at the oficialisima Cuba Debate.
My favorite discovery, besides the original Goldberg blog posts themselves (links to all three below), is this 15-second Simpsons outtake posted on Penultimos Dias (after originally appearing on the NYT Lede blog).
What follows is a media advisory from the COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS about an upcoming on-the-record conference call with Julia Sweig herself. It says that the call is open to members of the press only - but as a blogger, I hope El Yuma can listen in. If so, I will report on the call here next week.
*On-The-Record Media Conference Call*
Fidel Castro and the US-Cuba Relationship
CFR Senior Fellow Julia Sweig and The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg travelled to Cuba recently where they had lengthy meetings with Fidel Castro and discussed a number of topics, including international diplomacy, the Middle East, and Cuba's history.
In this special media conference call, Sweig will answer questions about her impressions from the meetings and their significance for Cuba and US-Cuban relations.
Date: Monday, September 13, 2010
Call Time: 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. ET
Dial-in Information:
U.S. callers: 1.800.311.9402
International callers: 1.334.323.7224
Passcode: CUBA
Speaker: Julia E. Sweig, Nelson and David Rockefeller Senior Fellow for Latin America Studies and Director for Latin America Studies, CFR
Goldberg on Part I; Part II; and Part III.
Deborah Jerome, Deputy Editor,
**RSVP Required**
--Open to members of the press only--
RSVP by 12:00 p.m., ET, Monday, September 13, 2010 RSVP to:
Press Contact:
Lucy Dunderdale
2 hours ago
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