Just Say "NO" to the "White Card" or "Exit Permit"
(No a la “Tarjeta Blanca” o “Permiso de Salida”)
Aimed at ending Cuba's exit permit requirement and debating restrictions on the free movement of Cubans in general, a group of young Cubans (residing both inside and outside the island) has formed on Facebook.

The name of the group is: "NO más 'Tarjeta Blanca' (White Card) o (or) 'Permiso de Salida' (Exit Permit)"
Here is my translation of the group's description:
Category: Common Interest - Politics
Description: Progressive, Revolutionary (Progresista, Revolucionario)
- In favor of the Cuban People (En favor del Pueblo)
- Against Corruption, both external and internal (Contra la Corrupción, Externa e Interna)
- Open to Consturctive Debate (Abierto al Debate Positivo)
- With the Goal of Unity (Con Fines de Unir)
- For a Single Cause (Por una Sola Causa)
"Raul Castro has governed Cuba since February 24, 2008, with a modern intent and expressed aim at grudually eliminating what he once described as 'excessive prohibitions' on the island." (Raúl Castro gobierna Cuba desde el 24 de febrero de 2008 con un ímpetu modernista y eliminación gradual de lo que él describió alguna vez como el "exceso de prohibiciones" en la isla).Finally, there is a link to a Study Guide in Spanish on the "Free Movement of People" from Human Rights Education Associates that culls togehter international law on the topic posted by Lopez Levy.
Yuma, I really don't trust Elaine.
ReplyDeletePlease take a look at this link:
Sorry , but I am not so sure that "Raul Castro has governed Cuba with a modern intent and expressed aim at grudually eliminating what he once described as 'excessive prohibitions' on the island."
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, in Cuba, nothing has changed.