Below you will find an 19-minute interview (with full English subtitles) of three members of the multi-disciplinary art and poetry collective Omni Zona Franca:
Luis Eligio D'Omni, Amaury Pacheco, and Alina Guzmán D'Omni.
The interview was done by Yoani Sánchez almost 4 months ago on November 30, 2011 in her Havana apartment and published on her blog, Generation Y, on December 5 as part of the lead up the the 2011 Endless Poetry Festival (Poesía Sin Fin).
Luis Eligio and Amaury will arrive in New York later today - along with the third member of their crew, David D'Omni (highlighted in my previous post) - to continue the next leg of their 3-month U.S. tour.
(A previous post at Generation Y featuring OMNI - Feb. 23, 2009 - can be read here and an extended Spanish-language interview she did with them back in 2007 is available here.)
Bienvenidos a La Gran Manzana!
Trump, Fukuyama, y el «fin del neoliberalismo»
22 hours ago
Why do you think these group memebers were able to obtain exit visas from Cuba given their past history and current criticisms?
ReplyDeleteAnd if them why not Sanchez?
yoani también es mas conocida internacionalmente ademas sus criticas van directas al régimen eso te da la medida de lo que representa yoani para el regimen y para nosotros los cubanos estoy de acuerdo con el refrán que nos recordó el yuma saludos
DeleteThere's an old Cuban saying: "You can play with the chain but not with the monkey." while the members of OMNI are independent and quite "contestatarios" they take care not to offend the monkey directly. Sanchez, while civil and fair, does not mince her words and makes direct political demands for changes that include the removal of the monkey.
ReplyDeletequiero agradecerle su trabajo ...y confirmarle algo que ya ud sabe....son mas las cosas que unen a al pueblo cubano con el pueblo norteamericano que las que nos separan .saludos y mucha suerte