June 30 – July 8, 2012
AMI has developed a close relationship with EICTV and they have organized for us a special three-day course, CUBAN CINEMA BEYOND FRESA Y CHOCOLATE that will be taught by Luciano Castillo, renown Cuban film critic, researcher and film historian. The course will provide a unique opportunity to screen and discuss Cuban films beginning at the turn of the 20th Century up to today. EICTV has one of the most important and extensive Cuban film libraries and all films will be subtitled in English. Delegates will participate in the course during the day and in the evening have the chance to interact with the Cuban filmmakers who work at the school.
The last three days will be spent in Havana where the delegation will stay in Cuban homes (casa particulares) instead of a hotel and visit young Cuban filmmakers in their workplaces and homes. This is a very rare opportunity made possible through the relationship AMI has developed with these filmmakers. The filmmakers work in all fields and genres: animation, documentary, fiction, experimental. We will screen some of their work with them and engage in discussion around topics such as: what does it mean to be a filmmaker now in Cuba? How are independent films financed and produced? The delegation will also meet with staff of the Young Directors Film Festival (Muestra Joven) in the ICAIC that is now recognized as the most important showcase for young cinematic talent in Cuba.
The cost of the delegation is $3000 and includes RT plane fare from Miami to Havana, housing, transportation and all meals except for dinners in Havana.
For more information please contact info@americasmediainitiative.org
Americas Media Initiative 106 Main St., Suite 5 Burlington, Vermont 05401 US |