Saturday, July 12, 2014

"Cuba's Perplexing Changes": 24th Annual ASCE Conference, July 31-Aug 1, 2014, Miami, Florida

In just over two weeks, scores of Cuba specialists will converge on Miami for the 24th Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of the Cuban Economy.

Click here for the program.

Our keynote speaker is Miriam Leiva, whose address is entitled:

"A Cuba in Transition 
and its Relationship with the United States."

Here's just a sample of some of the others we have on this year's program:

Miriam Celaya, Dimas Castellanos, Ambassador Martin Palous, Vegard Bye, Archibald Ritter, Phil Peters, Antonio Zamora, Jorge Pérez-López, Sergio Díaz-Briquets, Hildebrando Chaviano Montes, Emily Morris, Domingo Amuchástegui, Emilio Morales, Michel Mirabal, Lenier González, Roberto Veiga, Armando Chaguaceda, Rafael Rojas, Arturo López-Levy, Jorge Duany, Joseph Scarpaci, Mario González-Corzo, Alexis Jardines, Darsi Ferrer, Maria C. Werlau, Yaremis Flores, Osmar Laffita Rojas, William M. Messina, Julio Cerviño, José Antonio Fraiz, José Luis Perelló, Maria Dolores Espino, Dariela Aquique Luna, Jorge Ignacio Guillén Martínez, Orlando Freyre Santana, Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo, Eliécer Ávila, Barbara Kotschwar, José Gabilondo, Maria Elena Cobas Cobiella, Jesús Mercader Uguina, Yvon Grenier, Sara Romanó, Vicente Morín Aguado, Carlos Alberto Montaner, Eduardo López Bastida, and Rosendo Romero Suárez.