Roberto Peralo, Harold Cárdenas y Ted Henken respectivamente.
Disfrutando un rico almuerzo en la paladar El Horno
de La Calle del Medio matancera.
The following post appeared today at the collective blogging site at the University of Matanzas, "La Joven Cuba."
It accurately captures the warm and civil spirit of our more than 4-hour exchange of ideas last Saturday, April 23. I want to thank Roberto and Harold for their hospitality during my visit, for their frankness at that time, and for posting this kind reflection now.
May the dialogue continue and may it grow among Cuban bloggers themselves.
Here at the start, I will translate the final paragraph of their post as it captures the spirit of honest dialogue, tolerance of differing opinions, and respect for those who hold them that characterized our meeting.
"There were differences of opinion, ideological differences, and differences in perspective, but always in a spirit of respect and where it was more important to listen to than try to convince the other. This meeting is an example for all those who do not tolerate a diversity of opinion that coming together and sharing ideas in search of mutual points of contact instead of accentuating our differences should be the premise we follow. Only this way will so many diverse voices and ways of imagining the future of la Patria be able to contribute to a better future."